Dry Distemper
Dry Distemper
Dry Distemper

Dry Distemper

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Dry distemper paint provides an exemplary matt finish for interior walls. The paint is smooth natured while being applied, leading to very good coverage for a more durable and washable surface suitable for homes and commercial premises alike. Explore our range of dry distemper paints available in a variety of shades to definitely suit any kind of decor, and effortlessly hit the timelessness you want to achieve. Distemper is a water-based paint made from pigments, chalk, and glue. It is a traditional paint type that is relatively inexpensive but has low durability and washability.

Product Information

SKUPackaging SizePackaging TypeFinishState/FormBrands
N/A1 L, 4 L, 10 L, 20 LCan, Bucket, BagHigh Gloss, Mid Sheen, MattLiquid, Powder, SolventNerolac, Berger, Dulux, ICL, Asian, Jenson & Nicholson
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