Celling Fan
Celling Fan
Celling Fan

Celling Fan

Price5059.74MRP: ₹51632% off
(Plus GST)
Air delivery:215 m3/hr, 250 m3/hr, 240 m³/min
No. of Blade:3, 4
Brands:Bajaj, Orient, Havells


Experience the ultimate in comfort and energy savings with our BLDC ceiling fans. Featuring a silent BLDC motor, these innovative fans deliver powerful airflow without disruptive noise. Enjoy a cool and peaceful environment, thanks to energy-saving technology and user-friendly installation. The anti-corrosive aluminum blade and body ensure long-lasting performance, while the integrated cooling solution guarantees optimal motor function, A ceiling fan circulates air to provide cooling and ventilation. It is commonly used in homes and commercial spaces.
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