Fan Regulators
Fan Regulators
Fan Regulators

Fan Regulators

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Fan regulators are devices that help in controlling the fan speed, are very essential for their use in houses, offices, and even in various industrial sites, and above all, they contribute to the comfort level of the consumer and most importantly help in saving energy. That has the motor voltage supplied to them; with the fan, the user can select his or her level of airflow. In the prior resistive regulators, the fan speed was foremost controlled using a string of resistors, thereby losing a lot of energy into heat as a result of high inefficiency. The newer electronic regulators are completely dissimilar, deploying semiconductor technologies like TRIACs for the smoother and efficient control over fan speed without any energy wastage.

Different types of regulators can be capacitive or inductive types, with each kind having its own advantages. With regard to better indoor air quality and noise reduction, fan regulators will play an important role in making it possible to control the airflow accurately. Our brands come from top brands such as Great White, Simon, Havells, Schneider, Anchor.


1.Fan Speed Adjustments: Control airflow through speed of fan.
2.Energy Conservation: Save energy when run at slower speeds.
3.Noise Control: Reduce noise through speed adjustments.
4.Year-round Comfort: Cooling in summer and gentle air circulation in winter.
5.Motor Longevity: Controlled speeds extend motor life.

Product Information

N/A80W, 100WGreat White, Simon, Havells, Schneider, Anchor
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